SAT 19 June 2021
Kardz4Sportz photographers will be taking photos on Saturday 19th of June 2021 at our Clubrooms on Delawney St, Balcatta from 9.00am til 10.30am.
The Kardz 4 Sports cards are available in sets of 4 for $25, 8 for $30, 16 for $40 and 24 for $48. All cards are double sided and professionally printed.
These unique photographic personalised cards are a great keepsake of your child/ren to collect every year.
Order forms will be available on the day for you complete along with your payment – cash or EFTPOS facility will be available.
Also, for photo purposes, on the day please come dressed in your playing jumper, shorts and socks. This is available to all our players in all year groups.