Code of Conduct

Football is an exciting, fast moving and fun game. While healthy competition is encouraged, coaches, players and fans should remember that the objective is to have fun and learn the game of football. It is important to our football program that all participants conduct themselves in a positive and responsible manner.
Stirling JFC believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the umpires and the opposing players as well as the importance of winning vs losing are of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short-term success rather than the long-term benefits undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses to children that are counter-productive.
Please take the time to go over the Player Commitment and Expectations with your player. Before doing so, we hope you will spend time reviewing the Parent/Guardian Commitment and Expectations which details our expectations from parents/guardians. As adults, we have the important job of teaching and mentoring today’s youth. They look to us (especially to parents) for direction and learn from watching our behaviour. We know you take this job very seriously in “everyday” life…we ask that you take it equally seriously in the sports world; specifically at all Stirling JFC games that you attend.

Parent/Guardian Commitment and Expectations
As a Stirling JFC Parent/Guardian, we ask that you conduct yourselves in a manner outlined below:
● Focus on praise and encouragement rather than on criticism and negative comments.
● Applaud good play, regardless of team. Nothing is better than seeing a child smile from
recognition. Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship.
● Remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. Football is a team sport.
Without each player, there is no team. Acknowledge that players are at various levels in this sport
and will make mistakes, possibly at critical times, in competition. Be patient and supportive
through these times.
● Attempt to reduce the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside
influences. Parents should remember this is a “learning experience” for players and support this
● Be kind and respectful to our Coaches and officials. Parents need to support the Coach and
his/her decisions and refrain from verbal criticism. Remember, the Coach makes the final
decision regarding players on the oval.
● Do not publicly question the umpire’s decisions. Please remember, many of these umpires are
young adults learning how to umpire the game, so please treat them with respect. They are there
to do an honest job which few others are willing to undertake.
● Parents are asked to not discuss the play of any athlete other than their child.
● NEVER enter the oval to speak with an umpire. Speak to your Coach or the Team Manager at
another time if you have a concern.
● Keep in mind that coaching is NOT a science and that all Coaches will make decisions that are
popular and unpopular. However, we believe that every member of the Stirling JFC coaching
staff acts with the best intentions and with the best interest of each and every player. You may
not agree with every decision they make, but please respect that decision.
● No parent is to coach or attempt to coach their child (or any other players) during club trainings
and/or competition. Refrain from talking to players during trainings or games. The players need
to concentrate on the game and listen to their Coach.
● Parents and Players are not allowed to discuss playing time during games. This does not mean
they can never discuss this topic but it is not the right place or time to do this during games.
Please schedule a time with the Coach to discuss this or any other concerns you may have.
● Accept the results of the game. Encourage your child to be a good sport in victory and in defeat.
Many times a player will not remember the results of a game an hour later but they will remember
how they felt because of their own (and your) actions.
● Only sit in designated areas around the oval and remain behind the ‘parent line’. This is for your
own safety and the safety of the players.
● Treat other fans, Coaches, players, and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, or ability.
● Drinking, smoking, foul language and antisocial behaviour are not allowed and will not be tolerated
around the ovals during games or practices or Club events.
We believe we have the best fans around! But we must remind everyone that Stirling JFC will not tolerate
behaviour which brings the Club, our teams, or the game itself into disrepute. Violations of either Code
of Conduct are taken seriously and could result in removal from the ovals and/or sanctions at the sole
discretion of the Club Administration.

Player Commitment and Expectations
As a dedicated player for the Stirling JFC I agree that:
● I will play for fun and enjoyment of the game.
● I will work hard to improve my football skills.
● I will be a team player, get along with and cooperate with my Coaches and teammates.
● I will always be a good sport.
● I will respect my Coaches, teammates, parents, opponents, and umpires.
● I will not argue with the umpire and I will accept all decisions by the umpire without question.
● I will not use any bad language at training or during games.
● I will not, under any circumstances, participate in physical violence or threats of physical
violence before, during or after any game or training.
● I will treat all players as I would like to be treated. I will not interfere with, bully or take unfair
advantage of any player.
● I will not use alcohol or illegal drugs.
● I will obey the laws of the game and play within the spirit of those laws.
● I commit to Stirling JFC trainings and games.
● I will commit to arriving on time to training and for pre-game warm ups with a full water bottle,
my mouthguard and a positive attitude.
● I will notify the Coach or Team Manager if I will be late for or unable to make a training or
● I will treat all facilities with respect before, during and after trainings and or games.